Visions, Shrooms, Finally, or They Got It

 The film I'm currently working on is going to be taking a look into the psychology of the mind, what it means to be psychedelic, and what it means to be in a euphoric state.

I chose my film to be an overall psychological horror film because for one horror is one of my favorite genres, and two psychology is something I want to major in when I get into college as well as it being a part of what I want to be when I get older.

Besides that, I'm going to be including physical items such as MUSHROOMS and CANDY in my opening so that it will aid in the representation of the euphoric and psychedelic states that will be acted out.

I want this film even though it's only 2 minutes and even though it will only be the OPENING to a movie, to confuse my audience along with some being able to relate to it.

For my characters, I will be using teenagers and little kids instead of adults because YES my opening will be dealing with drugs and a bit of violence but in my opinion, that's just more of a reason to use people in my generation and who are considered to be my peers.

The reason why candy is going to be involved instead of me originally sticking with only shrooms or mushrooms is for the simple fact that I am still in school and even though I'm trying to make a film that goes a bit over the guidelines, I still want to stay PG-14 to kill any way of my film not getting approved.

Some images of the candy me and my partner are considering using are overly sugary candies such as:

There will be other kinds, these are just going to be more focused on

Now, for the mushrooms once again since I am in school certain things aren't allowed, so instead of me going for the mushrooms that look exactly like the ones used for drugs I will be using an alternative.                                                                       Instead of:
I will use:

My film is yet to have a name since me and my partner a very undecided. We like I keep stating want to be different than everyone else. Along with being different in our genre and script, we also want our tittle to spark curiosity. 
